MCQ - Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa has elevated hormone levels of ? 

A.  GnRH  
B.  Leptin
C.  T4  
D.  Cortisol
E.  All of the above 

Option "D" is the most appropriate answer

╠    24hr Urine Free Cortisol & Serum Cortisol levels are elevated in Anorexia Nervosa
(But without clinical consequences of hypercortisolism)
╠   GnRH levels are ↓ → Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
╠   Leptin levels are ↓ → due to ↓ mass of Adipose Tissue
╠   Low-normal or ↓ TSH & T4 , ↓T3 & ↑ rT3 → Resembles Euthyroid Sick Syndrome

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