Cushing's Syndrome

1. Commonest, Overall, type of Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome

2. Commonest Cause of Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Exogenous Administration of Glucocorticoids

3. Commonest cause of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Cushing's Disease (ACTH-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome)

4. Commonest cause of Cushing's Disease ?: 

Pituitary Adenoma

5. Commonest Adenomas in Cushing's Disease ?: 


6. Commonest cause of Endogenous ACTH-Independent Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Adrenocortical Adenoma

7. Commonest Tumor associated with Ecptopic ACTH production ?: 

Small Cell Carcinoma of Lungs

8. Commonest Carcinoid Tumor associated with Ecptopic ACTH production ?: 

Bronchial Carcinoid

9. Commonest cause of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome during Infancy and Early Childhood ?: 

Functioning Adrenocortical Tumor

10. Commonest cause of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome in children >7 years of age ?: 

Cushing's Disease (ACTH-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome)

11. Commonest, Overall, cause of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome in Children ?: 

Exogenous Administration of Glucocorticoids

12. Commonest clinical feature of Cushing's Syndrome in Children ?: 

Obesity / Overweight

13. Commonest clinical feature of Cushing's Syndrome in Adults ?: 

Decreased Libido

14. Commonest, Overall, clinical feature of Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Obesity / Overweight

15. Commonest Menstrual Irregularity in Cushing's Syndrome ?: 


16. Commonest form of Hirsutism in Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Vellus Hypertrichosis on Face

17. Commonest Pituitary Change in Cushing's Syndrome ?: 

Skrooke Hyaline Change
1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19/e
2. Clinical Rounds in Endocrinology
3. Robbins & Cotran : Pathological Basis of Disease, 9/e
4. Nelson: Textbook of Pediatrics, 20/e
5. Williams Endocrinology, 13/e

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