Thyroid Disorders

1. Commonest cause of Thyrotoxicosis ?: 

Grave's Disease

2. Commonest underlying cause of Thyroid Storm ?: 

Grave's Disease

3. Commonest, Overall, cause of Hypothyroidism ?: 

Environmental Iodine Deficiency

4. Commonest cause of Hypothyroidism in Iodine-Sufficient Regions ?: 

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

5. Commonest cause of Diffuse Toxic goitre ?: 

Grave's Disease

6. Commonest cause of Diffuse Non-Toxic goitre ?: 

Iodine Deficiency

7. Commonest cause of Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism ?: 

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

8. Commonest cause of Sub-Clinical Hyperthyroidism ?: 

Toxic MNG

9. Commonest cause of Clinically Apparent Chronic Thyroiditis ?: 

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

10. Commonest cause of Neonatal Thyrotoxicosis ?: 

Transplacental TSH Associated Antibodies (TRAbs)

11. Commonest cause of Congenital hypothyroidism ?: 

Iodine Deficiency

12. Commonest cause of Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism ?: 

Thyroid Gland Dysgenesis

13. Commonest drug associated with Drug-Induced Thyrotoxicosis ?: 


14. Commonest cause of Thyroid Pain ?: 

Granulomatous Thyroiditis

15. Commonest cause of Childhood Infectious Thyroiditis ?: 

Presence of Left Sided Piriform Sinus (Viridans is the MC Organism)

16. Commonest cause of Increased TSH Worldwide ?: 

Iodine Deficiency Hypothyroidism

17. Commonest Endocrine cause of Proptosis ?: 

Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy

18. Commonest cause of Bradycardia in a patient of Thyrotoxicosis ?: 

Use of Beta-Blockers

19. Commonest cause of Tachycardia in a patient of Hypothyroidism ?: 

Over-Treatment with Levothyroxine

20. Commonest Hyperthyroidism in the Post-Partum Period ?: 

Transient Post-Partum Thyroiditis

21. Commonest, Overall, Anemia in Hypothyroidism ?: 

Normocytic Normochromic Anemia

22. Commonest Neurological Manifestation of Hypothyroidism ?: 

"Cerebral Slowing"

23. Commonest Cardiovascular Manifestation of Grave's Disease ?: 

Sinus Tachycardia

24. Commonest, Overall, Manifestation of Grave's Disease ?: 


25. Commonest Site of Dermopathy of Grave's Disease ?: 

Anterior & Lateral Aspects of Lower Legs

26. Commonest manifestation of Merseburg Triade of Grave's Disease ?: 

Diffuse Toxic Goiter

27. Least Common manifestation of Meseburg Triad of Grave's Disease ?: 

Infiltrative Dermopathy

28. Commonest Muscles involved in Grave's Orbitopathy ?: 

Recti (Inferior & Medial)

29. Commonest Serious manifestation of Grave's Orbitopathy ?: 

Compression of Optic Nerve at the apex of orbit


  1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19/e
  2. Goldman-Cecil : Medicine, 25/e
  3. Robbins & Cotran : Pathological Basis of Disease, 9/e
  4. Nelson: Textbook of Pediatrics, 20/e
  5. Williams Endocrinology, 13/e

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